Monday, September 13, 2010

Inspire yourself (IV)

Writing in the plane/ Escribiendo en el avión

I'm on my way, my way towards my new life. I overfly the sea, above those clouds that lead their shadows on the crystalline surface, shadows I confuse with huge fish that join the wind, and swim to the rhythm of the breeze.

And I know I'm gonna miss it so much... It's funny how senses are able to disturb the state of soul: perfumes in the morning, the taste of salt water on my lips, the sound of evening laughs and finally the touch of the sheets at night; everything unites and forms the memory of a life, so recent and so past, that overwhelms me and produces a continuous nostalgic feeling. Only a few minutes ago my daily life changed. Only an hour ago I understood my friends won't be always there, and that knowing breaks my heart. Past was never so recent.

/Ya estoy en camino, en camino hacia mi nueva vida. Sobrevuelo el mar, por encima de esas nubes que dejan su sombra plasmada en la superficie cristalina, sombras que se confunden con peces gigantes que nadan con el rumbo del viento, al ritmo de la brisa.

Y sé que voy a extrañar tanto... es curioso lo que los sentidos pueden perturbar el estado del alma: los aromas de la mañana, el sabor del agua salada en los labios, los sonidos de las risas vespertinas, y el tacto de las sábanas nocturnas; todo se une para formar el recuerdo de una vida tan reciente y tan pasada que me abruma y me produce una sensación de continua nostalgia. Hace sólo unos minutos que la vida diaria ha cambiado. Hace sólo una hora que comprendí que mis amigos no van a estar siempre, y eso me desgarra por dentro. Nunca el pasado fue tan reciente.

However, when I think of everything that's waiting for me... that uncertainty makes my chest a sea that overflows because of happiness and pure expectation. There isn't "I hope"s in my thoughts, because these are so little concrete that, this abstract art that means the birth of an idea, may become anything but something real. And reality is beautiful anyway, art anyway.

I ask myself: Are they waiting for me as much as I wait for them? All those people who are going to become pillars of my future, all those experiences that will fill me, or empty me, or just make me burst into tears, or cry of happiness; are they as eager as I am to finally meet each other? It doesn't really matter, I know that future will be present at all times, little by little, building itself the way La Sagrada Familia does, brick by brick, detail by detail, with the effort of hundreds until it reaches the sky. A holly building for me, impressive for those who sneak a look at it, overwhelming for those who really observe it. That's the way I want to be, that's how I want my life to be, and that's why I know I will be extremely happy.

Y, sin embargo, cuando pienso en todo lo que me espera... esa incertidumbre provoca que mi pecho desborde en un mar de alegría y pura expectación. No existe un “ojalá” en mis pensamientos, porque tan poco concretos son, que ese arte abstracto que es el nacimiento de una idea, puede convertirse en cualquier cosa menos en realidad. Y la realidad es igualmente hermosa, igualmente arte.

Me pregunto, ¿estarán esperando tanto como yo los espero a ellos? Todas esas personas que se van a convertir en pilares de mi futuro, todas esas experiencias que me van a llenar, o vaciar, o hacerme romper en llanto, o derramar lágrimas de alegría, ¿estarán tan ansiosas como yo de por fin encontrarnos? Poco importa eso, sé que ese futuro se hará presente en todo momento, poco a poco, construyéndose como la Sagrada Familia, ladrillo a ladrillo, detalle a detalle, con esfuerzo de cientos hasta llegar al cielo. Un edificio sagrado para mí, imponente para todo el que lo mira de reojo, sobrecogedor para aquél que lo observa detenidamente. Así es como quiero ser, así es como quiero que sea mi vida. Y por eso sé que voy a ser tremendamente feliz.

sunny afternoon-the kinks

Peace and Love,

Penny Lane ♥


Anonymous said...

Love the first pic and love your simply but cool outfit! Amazing shorts!

Laura Soler said...

Well good luck!Whatever comes, I'm sure you will look great ;)

Laura Soler said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
m said...

Solo una palabra: BRAVO.

m said...

por supuesto es Breakfast at Tiffany's, a mi tambien me gusta tu blog, siempre lo leo :) y ten por seguro q lo sguire leyendo. un besazo, seguims en contacto!

m said...

porcierto, puedes seguirme si qieres ;)

Pesky Cat Designs said...

it sounds like you are heading forward, perhaps a move? When we make changes and move forward then there are possibilities for new and exciting things to come. I want to wish you all the best!

Gigi said...

Such delicate romantic prose I wish the greatest luck now you'll buy a different country's Vogue :D

Thanks so much for the comment you left for a second I thought you had totally forgotten about me Im still very fond of you though I seldom comment

Gigi said...

I know songs are for depressing day theres even one called the emo kid song (download it) btw but I felt like watching TV yo know what movie is sad remember me? it's about an emo boy with an emo family whose life sucks and he meets a girl whose life suck too then they live a depressing romance for 5 seconds then they separate and back to the emo and then her sister, his last ray of sunshine suffers, then everything starts getting better and then he died THAT would have been a great movie to watch

Gigi said...

listen I know this is really creepy but you know what would be fun? to have each other in facebook I swear I dont want to kidnap you really!! I just saw the pic you posted and I sort of liked it and I thought you facebbok profile must be cool
anyway ad me if you want Im gisela salim but if you think Im too creepy (this is the first time I do this I swear)dont do it
anyway I just thought It would be fun to have someone from a different country and please dont publish this post Im afraid somebody wants to kidnap me or something

Bi. said...

¿Cómo llevo tanto tiempo sin pasarme por aquí?
Creo que pensé que habías cerrado el blog, o algo así.

Tendré que leerme todos tus últimos posts de carrerilla, vaya un sacrificio.

No leerte fue una de esas razones que llevó a mi blog a apagarse cada vez más. Pero hoy revive, no hay duda.

Un beso grande, Chic and Chocolate.

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