Monday, April 27, 2009


As you already know, they are back. Lorentzo (you have to visit his blog) told us a long time ago: the 80's were back...

Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton
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Celebrities have decided to follow the shoulder pads' fever
Keira Knightley with Chanel dress
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Gwyneth Paltrow with Balmain blazer
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Now it's only time to say if we're going to be able to escape from it... or if we prefer to have a Dirty Dancing. It's up to you!

Me, I've already felt in love with a white blazer in zara... and yes, it has two beautiful soulder pads.
So, waht do you think?
Como ya sabéis, han vuelto. Lorentzo (tebéis que visitar su blog) nos lo dijo hace ya tiempo: Los 80 están de vuelta.
Las celebrities han decidido seguir la moda de las hombreras.
Es tiempo de decir si vamos a ser capaces de escapar de esto... o si preferimos tener un Dirty Dancing. Eso depende de ti!

Yo ya me he enamorado de un blazer blano de Zara... y sí, tiene dos preciosas hombreras.

Entonces, ¿Qué pensáis?

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